When you let those around you know how to honor your wishes, you take an important step towards peace of mind for you and your loved ones.
I would love to hear about your experiences with mortality on a Zoom call. Book your 30-minute session here:
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How did I come to recognize the power of doing this work? And why do I call myself a Peace of Mind Guide?
My mom was diagnosed with leukemia in May 2007 and was gone by July. The diagnosis came suddenly and unexpectedly, and we had never discussed her wishes for the end of her life. Her last four weeks were spent in the oncology ward, then the ICU, where she was hooked up to tubes and unable to communicate. She was transferred to the hospice floor in her last hours where she died – not in her beloved home looking out at her beautiful garden.
My sisters and I thought our dad would go soon after, but he lived 11 years longer. As he aged and faced diminishing capacities, he relied on me to manage his finances and take him to doctor's appointments, and ended up moving to assisted living for his last two years.
The amazing gift he gave us was his willingness to talk about his own end-of-life wishes. I believe this was the result of the anguish we all felt at my mom's passing; he wanted his daughters to understand his unique approach and be on board with his thinking. He ended up choosing VSED (voluntarily stopping eating and drinking) at age 86, and because we were included in his planning, he had the end of life that he desired.
The peace that I still feel about his death inspired me to go through death doula training in 2019, and it was my intention to be present with families as their loved ones prepared to leave their bodies. Covid happened, and I pivoted to the advance care planning field. I have found my passion!
Along the way I discovered my mediumship capacities, and find that hearing from loved (or not-so-loved!) ones from across the veil is a wonderful way to get assurance that they're okay, receive guidance on a problem you're having, or to find healing when there are unresolved issues.
I want to hear your stories of how the loss of people near to you has affected your thoughts on your own inevitable demise, so book a time to meet by clicking the button below.
Let's talk!